If you have a colicky baby- read this book.
If you have a fussy baby- read this book.
If you have a baby like mine who won't go back to sleep in the middle of the night- read this book.
If you have a baby in general- read this book.
I first heard of it from Joanna Goddard in this post on her blog (A CUP OF JO), which if you don't follow it you totally should, she's hilarious and completely down to earth with great advice.
Dr. Karp (a brilliant, brilliant man) has come up with a very simple solution to calming your screaming baby. Before I explain it I've posted two videos- one British and one American- of interviews with Dr. Karp and him demonstrating the technique. I like the British one better because the American one is on The View and ugh the ladies during this interview were just fricken irritating- like LET THE MAN TALK. Anyways, I digress.
Maybe you're like me. You don't follow too many baby trends because, well, many of them just don't work.This one...oh this one does and is totally worth the $10 bucks for the book on amazon. I'm lucky enough to have a Kindle reader on my phone and downloaded it straight to there. There's a lot of info for a whole big book but just flip through and find the techniques and have at it. Your baby will thank you and so will your sanity. AND DON'T WORRY- IT'S SUPER EASY!!! (I know, you probably think I'm lying).
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