Sunday, January 8, 2012

Nightmares on lake drive

How is it possible for such a small sweet little human being to have such horrifying images flying through their brain at night. Reef had another episode of night terrors (or still researching the difference and what exactly this could be) early this evening and its heart wrenching. He screams and cries and it usually takes a good 30 seconds to wake him up..sometimes I run outside into the cool night air to wake him up and get his attention.

After doing some quick research its hard to say what the hell is going on. It's not night terrors because Im able to wake him but it's not nightmares because hes too young to form dreamy images...hmmm okay. Whatever it is, it is terrifying the bageezies out of him and me...seriously. Now, he won't sleep without being cuddled. He bolts awake if there's no skin to skin action going on. This is a BIG step back, I finally got him sleeping in the cosleeper crib two weeks ago. Bummers.

My husband is one of those sleepers who has full on conversations with you and has no clue that he did the next morning (mind you these convos are usually about something so weird and random I just agree with him untill he stops dream talking). I mean one night when I was pregnant he rapped out loud in a made up language while sleeping, woke up the next morning and had no idea what I was talknig about- HILLARIOUS. He sleeps really really hard. I sleep light. I hear EVERYTHING. I always have. I think Reef may be taking after Zach in the sleep department.

Anyone have this going on with their lil babes? If you know anything I would love to hear from you or your mom or whoever.



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